Welcome to the online home of the Lincoln Elementary Art Room.
Here you will find news, pictures, supply wish lists, and other bits pertaining to what is happening in Art at Lincoln.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Fishback First Grade Fish

Well we are deep  into the second semester here at Fishback and I am just getting to the first real post of the year. I just wanted to let everyone know that Make Stuff  is not done, it was just on hiatus for a bit. 

Here are pictures of some wonderful fish paintings the 1st Grade made at the beginning of the year. They learned about mixing primary colors to make secondary colors, and had a great time doing it!

Sorry I don't have images of the painting days. As I'm sure you can imagine it is tough to snap pictures with a room full of first graders mixing paint for the first time. But the end results speak for themselves. 


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