Welcome to the online home of the Lincoln Elementary Art Room.
Here you will find news, pictures, supply wish lists, and other bits pertaining to what is happening in Art at Lincoln.

Monday, November 9, 2015

I'm sad to say goodbye to FCPA, but happy to say
Hello to Lincoln Elementary. 

Mr. M has moved, but the blog will stay put. 

From now on this is the new home of the 
Lincoln Elementary Art Room. 

Lets Make Stuff!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

The 1st grade art and music Showcase was a huge success! Thank you to all the volunteers and participants.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Domo Arigato... Mr. Roboto?

4th grade created these awesome robots. We learned about the element of value before painting these robots with highlights, and shadows. 

For all my teacher followers this lesson was borrowed from the wonderful Blog Deep Space Sparkle. 
For a more detailed breakdown of the lesson click here.   

For more robots click  below!

New Year, New Projects!

The New School Year has started so we have some new projects to post! Here are a few nice ones from our 2nd graders.

Click below for more!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

4th Grade Frank Stella Style Relief Sculptures

Frank Stella Relief Sculptures  
Click below for more!

3rd Grade Art and Music Showcase Highlights

For those of you that didn't make it, and for those of you that just want to relive the moment over and over again, here are some highlights from the 3rd Grade Art and Music Showcase. 

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Way to go First Graders!

The First Grade Art and Music Showcase was a huge success! Thanks to all the parents and staff that attended and helped out with the event. Also a big thanks to Ms. Schwein who every year puts on such a wonderful, engaging, and hilarious Informance. 

Click the link below to see more pictures.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Spanish Tile Project

We have had a request for a how-to/tutorial on the Spanish tile project seen here

 Here is a quick how to. Thanks Ella!

Start with a square piece of paper (we went with 6X6)

Fold paper edge to edge, or corner to corner  creating an X or a cross in the middel of your paper 
(different folds give you slightly different looks)

Begin by drawing a simple shape in the triangle created by your folds on the top of your square . 

(If you folded edge to edge and your folds create a cross in the middle   then you will turn the square so its corners face towards you and away from you. Your folds will create a diamond shape to draw in.)   

Turn/rotate the paper and draw the same shape in the next triangle created by your folds.
Continue this process always drawing on the top of your design and rotating. 

I supplied my kids with handouts that had a bunch different Spanish Tile designs they could use to inform what shapes they wanted to draw. 

Friday, May 3, 2013

4th Grade Picasso Inspired Clay Faces

4th Grade created these Clay Faces using Slab and Slip construction. We looked at Cubist works by Pablo Picasso, and discussed texture while creating these sculptures.  

Click below to see more!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Kindergarten Pinch Pots!

 Kindergarten made, and decorated these awesome pinch pots. After glazing them we dropped glass beads in the bottom before putting them in the Kiln. Enjoy!

To see more click below.

Rm 207 Systems Chronicles: Jovan Spreads the Word @ FCPA!

I just wanted to share a quick link to a fellow FCPA Blog, Mrs. Condon's RM 207 System Chronicles.

I really appreciate Guest Blogger Jovan's message, and initiative.
Follow the link below, Check it out, and leave a message of support!

Rm 207 Systems Chronicles: Jovan Spreads the Word @ FCPA!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

2nd Grade Monsters

2nd grade created these little gems all the way back in October, on the Friday before Halloween. We used gummy candies that look like eyes, noses, ears, and mouths. 

Click below for more pictures. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

5th Grade "Coat of Arms"

5th Graders looked at traditional Heraldry, and discussed the importance of symbolism  
in the designs. We then set out to create a Coat of Arms that represented us and our families. 

Click below to see more. 

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

4th Grade Kara Walker inspired Sports Silhouettes

4th Grade looked at the work of Kara Walker, and created these colorful silhouettes. Mr. Gorden graciously let us display our Artwork in the Gym.

For closeups click below

Monday, March 4, 2013

3rd Grade Abstract Expressionist Collage/Drawings

3rd Grade looked at the work of Kandinsky and other Abstract Expressionist Artists before creating these Abstract Expressionist works.

More after the Jump

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Fishback First Grade Fish

Well we are deep  into the second semester here at Fishback and I am just getting to the first real post of the year. I just wanted to let everyone know that Make Stuff  is not done, it was just on hiatus for a bit. 

Here are pictures of some wonderful fish paintings the 1st Grade made at the beginning of the year. They learned about mixing primary colors to make secondary colors, and had a great time doing it!

Sorry I don't have images of the painting days. As I'm sure you can imagine it is tough to snap pictures with a room full of first graders mixing paint for the first time. But the end results speak for themselves. 


Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Welcome Back!

Welcome Back!

Here are some random projects from the end of the year last year that did not get posted   =(

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

"Why No Posts Mr. M?"

Well as you can see it has been some time since I have posted any artwork. "Make Stuff" has run into a few problems... Namely we are too popular.

Blogger informed me some time ago that they would no longer allow me to host my images on its servers (too much space too much traffic)... Normally that is not a big deal, free image hosts are all over the internet. The only problem is all of those image hosts are blocked by my districts web filtering system. We are in the process of permanently unblocking something that I can host with/on so students can view, and interact with the site from inside the building. Please stick with us, will be up and posting again shortly.

Mr. M